Sunday, 31 May 2020

Maxoak Bluetti AC100 Keeps You Powered Up, No Matter What

maxoak bluetti ac100
Our verdict of the Maxoak Bluetti AC100:
It doesn't have the power of its larger siblings, but the Maxoak Bluetti AC100 has more than enough to keep your most vital electronics running when you need them.

The world is an unpredictable place, so you never know when you might need a solid source of portable power. You may have a power outage in your area or you could have a downed wire from a storm. Maybe you’re just going on a camping trip but can’t do without a specific modern convenience.

We’ve previously looked at portable power supplies from Maxoak’s Bluetti line and were impressed with what they had to offer. That said, not everyone needs a big ultra-powerful pseudo-generator. When you just need to power a few household electronics, the Maxoak Bluetti AC100 will get the job done, and it’s just light enough to make it luggable.

Join us as we take a closer look at the Maxoak Bluetti AC100, and scroll down for an exclusive coupon code!


  • Inputs: AC adapter or solar panel (16V-40V 10A)
  • Outputs: 2x AC sockets, 4x 5V USB 2.1A ports, 1 x 45W PD USB-C, 1 x 12V 9A car port
  • Total capacity: 1000Wh
  • Maximum continuous power: 600W
  • Battery technology: Lithium-Ion
  • AC Charge time: 10 hours
  • Solar charge time: Variable (higher power panels mean shorter recharge times); panels not included
Maxoak Bluetti AC100 Maxoak Bluetti AC100 Buy Now On Amazon $899.99

Build & Design

DC ports on the AC100

The Maxoak Bluetti AC100 might be smaller than some others in the Bluetti line, but it isn’t exactly tiny, nor is it light. The size is slightly bigger than a car battery and weighs in at 34.4 pounds (15.6 kg).

While most of that weight comes from the internal lithium-ion battery, a significant portion of it comes from the build. This is a sturdy power source, with a handle for easy carrying. It feels like it could handle a drop from a few feet, but I wouldn’t want to find out the hard way.

The battery may be tough, but it does have its weak points. The biggest of these is that it isn’t waterproof. This isn’t a problem if you’re keeping the AC100 around for power outages, but it means you’ll need to be careful if you bring it on a camping trip.


Built-in light on Bluetti AC100

Functionality is simple: just press the power button on the front, then tap the AC or DC buttons on the front to enable power to the ports. You can use both at the same time, but the individual switches make it easy to route power only to where you need it. You’ll be using both switches often, because aside from the two AC sockets on one side, every other port provides DC power.

One extra bit of functionality comes from the built-in light. Turn on the battery, then tap the light button and you’ve got an extremely heavy, largely unwieldy light source. That said, this may be handy when it comes to plugging devices into the Bluetti AC100 during a power outage.

The built-in display is easy to read, both inside and outside. As with the Maxoak Bluetti 1500Wh, the five-segment battery indicator doesn’t give you a good idea of how much power is left. That said, this is the only poor aspect of the display. Being able to see exactly how much power is discharging at any given time is useful.

Charging the Battery

Charging the Bluetti AC100

The Maxoak Bluetti AC100 arrived mostly charged, so I had quite a lot of work to do before I could charge it to see how long it took. Given the capacity of the battery, this took longer than I’d initially planned.

There are two ways to charge the Bluetti AC100, one of which is standard AC power from a wall outlet. An AC adapter is included in the box, which makes this easy.

As this is such a large battery, you’ll need a while to charge it — roughly 10 to 11 hours, in fact. In my case, charging took around nine hours, but this is because I didn’t entirely run out the battery before plugging it in to charge over the course of a day.

Input for charging the AC100

The other option for charging the Bluetti AC100, and largely one of the more novel reasons for opting for this power source over others, is using a solar panel. You can use plenty of solar panels, as long as it provides a working voltage of between 16V and 40V at a max of 10A. A DC to MC4 charging cable is included in the box.

I had hoped to have a solar panel on hand to test this feature, but that was not to be the case. If you’re interested in charging via solar panel, see our review of the Maxoak Bluetti 1500Wh Backup Solar Generator, which has a 50% larger capacity than Bluetti AC100.

Solar power is great, but not exactly known for being predictable, as so much is reliant on the weather. How fast the AC100 charges depends partly on your solar panel and partly on how the weather is while you’re charging.

Powering Up Your Home

Dual AC outlets

You can power anything with the AC100, as long as it doesn’t draw more than 600 watts. This means that it easily powers TVs, computers, coffee grinders, and more. Maxoak even advertises using the Bluetti AC100 to power a car fridge or mini-fridge.

That said, the AC100 won’t power every home appliance. Microwaves, toaster ovens, kettles, or even a slow cooker, typically all draw more than 600 watts.

Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about accidentally plugging in something with too big of a draw. The AC100 has built-in protection against overcharge, overcurrent, overvoltage, and overheating.

I wasn’t it to provide much fo a challenge, but for initial testing, I plugged a Marshall guitar amplifier from the mid-1980s into the Bluetti AC100, which draws around 50-watt. As expected the AC100 had no problem powering the amp, but there was a strange noise in the background. I’m going to blame this on the amp being a solid-state amp that is around 35 years old rather than the Bluetti.

Just to make sure that the AC100 didn’t have any significant issues with noise, I next decided to power my home audio setup. This includes an Audio-Technica turntable, a hybrid tube integrated amplifier, cassette deck, and input switcher. The Bluetti AC100 easily powered everything, and I noticed no noise. Everything sounded exactly as it was plugged into the wall outlet.

How Long Does the Battery Last?

Reporting the current power load

Unlike laptop power banks, which Maxoak also makes, it can be hard to predict how long the battery will last unless you know how much power you’re drawing. Fortunately, the readouts on the built-in display make this part easy.

Once you know how much power you’re drawing, you can figure out how long the battery will last. This model has 1,000 Wh (watt-hours) of capacity, which simply means that drawing 1 watt continuously would get you roughly 1,000 hours of power. If you’re drawing a total of around 100 watts at a given time, you can expect roughly 10 hours.

This formula works, but you won’t always be working with neat units of 10 or 100. Still, the Maxoak Bluetti AC100 performed as expected, delivering power for roughly as long as I expected. It’s important to note that power usage will fluctuate in most cases, so you’ll want to keep your eye on usage for a while. If you want to be safe, just base your estimate on the highest number you see.

I tested the Bluetti AC100 with my home theater setup that included an LCD TV, 5.1-channel receiver, powered subwoofer, and Ultra HD Blu-ray player. All of this only displayed a load of around 100 watts, even during playback, so I could have expected around 10 hours of playtime. I didn’t feel like watching TV for 10 hours, but after finishing a roughly 2.5 hour movie, the AC100 had drained at the rate I had expected.

Should You Buy the Maxoak Bluetti AC100?

The Maxoak Bluetti AC100 is a great example of a product that clearly describes what it aims to do and then does just that. While it’s not as powerful as other products in the Bluetti line, it’s still powerful enough to keep a fair amount of electronics running. The occasional slightly gimmicky feature like the built-in light don’t do anything to take away from that.

The more important thing to consider when looking at the Bluetti AC100 is whether it does what you need. It’s handy how powerful this power bank is, but that doesn’t mean much if you’re aiming to power your toaster and this won’t handle it. While the AC100 will handle most things you throw at it, its portability does come with a slight tradeoff of sheer power.

Maxoak Bluetti AC100 Maxoak Bluetti AC100 Buy Now On Amazon $899.99

If you need just slightly more than what the Bluetti AC100 can provide, you might be interested in one of the more powerful models in the Bluetti line. On the other hand, if you’re looking to power your entire home or even a portion of it, no product like this will meet your demands. Instead, you’re probably in the market for a diesel-powered generator or Tesla Powerwall.

This level power and portability doesn’t come cheap, but you aren’t necessarily stuck paying the Bluetti’s $900 MSRP. Using the coupon code bluetti108, you can get a further $108 off the purchase price (and there’s an Amazon coupon for $50 on the sales page this can be combined with), which may be a large enough difference in price to make this a worthwhile investment.

Enter the Competition!

Read the full article: Maxoak Bluetti AC100 Keeps You Powered Up, No Matter What

from MakeUseOf

Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Visual Studio Code

Laptop displaying text editor

Microsoft Visual Studio Code debuted only a few years ago, but it has quickly become one of the most popular text editors available. Its combination of a simple user interface with powerful IDE-like features makes it especially popular with programmers, but it’s just as useful for writers and anyone who manipulates text files.

Visual Studio Code supports nearly every programming language that exists. If support isn’t built-in, you can add it through the app’s extension browser. VS Code even has native features to support collaborative programming. Plus, it has plenty of keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate the app interface effortlessly.

And what’s more, you can discover the most useful VS Code keyboard shortcuts with this cheat sheet!

Because of the sheer number of users on Windows, that OS is the main focus of this cheat sheet. Don’t worry if you’re a Mac user though, as all of these keyboard shortcuts work on macOS as well. Simply use the Command key instead of the Ctrl key and the Option key instead of Alt. If any shortcuts vary more than that, we’ll mention both.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download The Visual Studio Code Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet.

The Visual Studio Code Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

On a Mac keyboard, replace Ctrl with Cmd and Alt with Option in the shortcuts.

Shortcut Action
Basic Functionality
Ctrl + Shift + P Open Command Palette
Ctrl + , Open app settings
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S Display keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + X Switch to Extensions pane
Ctrl + N New file
Ctrl + Shift + N New window
¹Ctrl + F4 Close file
Ctrl + Shift + W Close window
¹F11 Toggle Full Screen mode
Ctrl + B Toggle sidebar visibility
File Management
Ctrl + O Open file
Ctrl + S Save file
Ctrl + Shift + S Save as…
Ctrl + K, S Save all files
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + W Close all
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen last closed
Editing Commands
Ctrl + C Copy selection or current line
Ctrl + X Cut selection or current line
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Shift + K Delete line
Home Go to beginning of line
End Go to end of line
Ctrl + Home Go to beginning of file
Ctrl + End Go to end of file
Alt + Up / Down Move line up or down
Ctrl + ] Indent line
Ctrl + [ Outdent line
Ctrl + / Comment out line
Shift + Alt + A Comment out region
Ctrl + Shift + [ Fold region
Ctrl + Shift + ] Unfold region
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + [ Fold all subregions
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + ] Unfold all subregions
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 0 Fold all regions
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + J Unfold all regions
Editor Navigation
Ctrl + P Go to file
Ctrl + G Go to line
Ctrl + T Show all symbols
Ctrl + Shift + O Go to symbol
F8 Go to next error or warning
Shift + F8 Go to previous error or warning
Ctrl + Shift + M Show Problems panel
¹Alt + Left Go back
¹Alt + Right Go forward
Find and Replace
Ctrl + F Open Find dialog
Ctrl + H Open Replace dialog
Ctrl + Shift + H Replace in files
¹F3 Find next
¹Shift + F3 Find previous
Alt + Enter Select all matches for search term
Ctrl + D Add current selection to Find match
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D Move previous selection to next Find match
Selection and Multiple Cursors
Ctrl + L Select current line
Ctrl + Shift + L Select all instances of current selection
Ctrl + F2 Select all matches of current word
¹Shift + Alt + Right Arrow Expand selection
¹Shift + Alt + Left Arrow Shrink selection
Alt + Click Insert cursor
Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow / Down Arrow Insert cursor above or below current line
Ctrl + U Undo last cursor
Shift + Alt + I Insert cursor at the end of each selected line
Split Editor Management
Ctrl + \ Split editor
Ctrl + 1 / 2 / 3 Focus on editor pane 1, 2, or 3
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + Right Arrow / Left Arrow Focus on next / previous editor pane
¹Ctrl + Shift + PgUp Move editor left
¹Ctrl + Shift + PgDown Move editor right
Integrated Terminal
¹Ctrl + ` Show integrated terminal
¹Ctrl + Shift + ` Create new terminal instance
Ctrl + Up Arrow / Down Arrow Scroll up / down
Ctrl + Home / End Scroll to top / bottom
macOS-Specific Shortcuts
Cmd + W Close file
Cmd + Ctrl + F Toggle full screen
Cmd + - Go back
Cmd + Shift + - Go forward
Cmd + G Find next
Cmd + Shift + G Find previous
Cmd + Control + Shift + Right Arrow Expand selection
Cmd + Control + Shift + Left Arrow Shrink selection
Cmd + K, Cmd + Shift + Left Move editor left
Cmd + K, Cmd + Shift + Right Move editor right
Control + ` Show integrated terminal
Control + Shift + ` Create new terminal instance
¹The corresponding macOS shortcut is listed under the macOS-Specific Shortcuts section at the end of the cheat sheet.

Looking for More Ways to Make the Most of VS Code?

The keyboard shortcuts here will have you well on your way to becoming a Visual Studio Code power user. That said, there are many more ways that you can make the software even better-suited to your workflow.

For example, you can add countless features to the editor with extensions. If you’re looking for a starting point, take a look at our list of extensions to help make programming in VS Code even easier.

Image Credit: UserName on Unsplash

Read the full article: Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Visual Studio Code

from MakeUseOf

You Can Now Break YouTube Videos Into Chapters

YouTube creators can now add chapters to videos, making it easier for viewers to navigate them. This is especially useful with longer videos, with the content broken up into smaller chunks. Chapters are entirely optional, but should start appearing on more videos.

YouTube started experimenting with chapters in April, and thanks to positive feedback, is now rolling the feature out to all users. Chapters are optional, and won’t be applied by default, but if a YouTuber adds timestamps to a video, YouTube will do the rest.

How to Add Chapters to YouTube Videos

To add chapters to one of your YouTube videos, simply add timestamps to your description. The first timestamp needs to start at 0.00, a video needs to have at least three timestamps, and each timestamp needs to be at least 10 seconds apart.

YouTube will use your timestamps to break the video into chapters. Viewers will then see the chapters at the bottom of the video, with the timeline broken up with black lines in between each one. Making it easier to navigate to an exact point.

Chapters work on desktop, Android, and iOS. On desktop, you can hover over a chapter to see the title, and click the one you want. On mobile, you need to keep your finger on the screen and scroll across the timeline until you find the chapter you want to watch.

There are no limits on who can add chapters to their YouTube videos, so you’re likely to see them cropping up a lot from now on. However, it IS optional, and YouTubers can disable chapters by adjusting the first timestamp to something other than 0.00.

Making It Easier to Navigate YouTube Videos

Chapters have the capacity to help both YouTube creators and viewers. Creators can break videos up into smaller chunks, helping direct viewers to specific parts of their uploads. And viewers will be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

If you’re a budding YouTuber keen to start making videos, read our beginner’s guide to making YouTube videos. And if you’re a viewer keen to get more out of YouTube, be sure to check out our article explaining ways to make YouTube even better.

Image Credit: Ivan Radic/Flickr

Read the full article: You Can Now Break YouTube Videos Into Chapters

from MakeUseOf

Saturday, 30 May 2020

5 Ways to Watch YouTube Together With Friends for Videos, Music, and Workouts

Watching YouTube with friends

Circumstances stopping you from meeting up with others? Try some of these best apps to watch YouTube together with friends. All you need is a web browser to enjoy videos, music, and even workout with friends remotely.

These websites and apps sync YouTube videos and music for everyone to turn it into a group activity. While the clip is playing, you can video call with friends to see their reactions, or chat in text.

So queue up a music playlist together on YouTube, exercise with the best YouTube workout videos, or kick back and watch a movie together on YouTube.

1. Squad (Web, Android, iOS): Watch YouTube Videos in Sync With Friends

Squad is the best app to watch YouTube together with friends on desktop and mobile, with video calls and chat both

Squad is one of the best ways to watch YouTube videos with friends online. It enables both video calls and chat while you’re streaming the same video. And it works on phones as well as desktop browsers smoothly, making it one of the few YouTube sync watching apps to do that.

You don’t need to sign up to use Squad. Simply create a new room with a unique name, and send that link to your friends. Friends can open it in their browser, or in the Squad app on iOS and Android.

You can search YouTube within the app without leaving the screen, to add new videos as and when you want. The video call works flawlessly, and you can also chat in text at the same time.

Squad also works with TikTok videos and has a few movies in its catalog that you stream. The app was initially a screen sharing app for video calls and still has that option too, but it has come a long way since then.

Download: Squad for Android | iOS (Free)

2. Jukebox (Web): Listen to Music on YouTube With Friends in Sync

Jukebox.Today is the easiest app to create YouTube music playlists and listen in sync with friends

After trying many, many, many others like it, we believe Jukebox. Today is the best app to listen to music on YouTube in sync with others in real time. It’s easy, it’s free, it looks good, it works flawlessly, and you can use it for public rooms with strangers or private rooms with friends.

Create a new Jukebox room with a custom name to begin. You can make the room public or delist it so that only people with the link can join. Search for songs within the app and add them to the now playing list. Registered users can even save the playlist for later. There’s a Chat tab to talk with people in the room, though it’s text only.

The host of the room controls playback, with the play and next/previous track buttons. Other users can only choose to mute or unmute. But other users can add songs to the playlist. The host can also give moderation or admin rights to other users.

From the main page, you can browse active Jukebox public rooms to join any. You’ll see how many people are in it, and how many tracks are yet to play.

Jukebox is a perfect way to create a playlist of songs to listen to on YouTube and share it with friends. You can all listen to the songs together, and add tracks to it.

3. Co-Train Space (Web): Workout to YouTube Exercise Videos With Friends

Co-Train Space lets you exercise to YouTube videos live with up to 10 friends on webcam

Working out is more fun when you do it with your friends. That’s why group classes and programs like CrossFit are so popular. You already know that you can stay fit at home with free workout apps. Co-Train Space lets you do a home workout with a YouTube coach, and your friends can join in too.

You don’t even need to register to begin. Pick a workout from Co-Train Space’s categories like morning, beginner, full body, specific parts, and yoga. It’ll create a room, just send the link to invite your friends. As the host, you get to decide when to start the session, so that everyone can work out in sync. The main video plays on the left, while your video chat is in a small bar on the right.

The app uses open-source video calling network Jitsi for its backend, so your data is safe and it’s a stable video connection. While video chat is the preferred form of communication, you can also use the built-in chatroom to send text messages. Co-Train Space is simple, easy, and just works as advertised. You can’t ask for more.

4. Chrono Tube (Web): YouTube Playlist Chatroom With Anonymity

Chrono Tube is an anonymous chatroom to share and watch YouTube videos together

Let’s say you want to send an open invitation to join a chatroom where people share YouTube videos. Chrono Tube makes that happen, while still giving some anonymity. When you visit the website, you’ll first be taken to the #general chat. Don’t use that. Click the yellow “Create a room” button to start your own.

Every participant (including you, the host) is automatically assigned a random nickname. Search for a YouTube video in a separate tab, copy the link, and paste it in Chrono Tube with !q added before it. The app will immediately start playing the video in the chatroom for everyone to see. Any participant can keep adding more links to create a playlist.

Chrono Tube has a few fun scenarios you can use it in. For example, you could post that link on your social media, inviting your followers to add their favorite videos about a subject or music links from YouTube.

It’s a double-edged sword though. If the wrong person gets hold of the link, they can just as easily share objectionable videos in the chatroom. The smart move would be to use Chrono Tube for a limited time, and ensure you post the link in a way that people you want to connect with would use it.

5. YouTube Fiesta (Web): Simple YouTube Chatroom, One Video at a Time

YouTube Fiesta is the simplest way to share a video and watch it together with friends

If you don’t want the bells and whistles of video calling and YouTube search, share and watch videos with friends on YouTube Fiesta. Host a room, add your nickname and a YouTube video link, and share the room’s URL with friends.

YouTube Fiesta only has text chat with emojis to communicate with each other. Add a new YouTube link and hit the “Change” button to start a new video. You can choose if anyone can control playback or only the host. No playlists, no queues, and no headaches; YouTube fiesta’s simplicity is its greatest draw.

If you’re looking for more quick and easy options, try these other ways to watch Youtube together with friends.

It’s Not Just YouTube

The internet makes it easier than ever to share an experience in real-time with friends. YouTube is just one of the many apps you can enjoy together. There are many ways to listen to Spotify songs together with friends. And if you can’t go to the theater, so what? You can still watch Netflix with friends far away.

Read the full article: 5 Ways to Watch YouTube Together With Friends for Videos, Music, and Workouts

from MakeUseOf

The 15 Best True Crime Documentaries on Netflix

There is evil in this world. The kind of evil that you can’t even imagine. To get a glimpse into these stark realities, watch the best true crime documentaries on Netflix. True crime is an addictive genre, and these are the best examples of the genre to binge-watch.

This list of true crime documentaries is available on Netflix USA and most other regions. And if something is not available in your area, you could always try one of the VPNs that work with Netflix in order to watch them.

1. Making a Murderer (2015)

  • How long is it? 20 episodes, one hour each.
  • In one line: Don’t always trust the cops.

This is Netflix’s biggest hit in the true crime documentaries genre. Making a Murderer tells the story of Steven Avery, and it gripped viewers across two seasons. Having been proved innocent for one crime, the same cops charge him with murder. Is he guilty or is he being framed? This eye-opening documentary is one of the best shows to binge-watch on Netflix.

2. Strong Island (2017)

  • How long is it? 1 hour 47 minutes.
  • In one line: A rare insider’s look at a family’s struggle to deal with injustice.

If you get the rare 100% Tomatometer rating on Rotten Tomatoes, you’re definitely among the best true crime documentaries on Netflix. Strong Island is a filmmaker’s internal search for answers. It’s the story of a murdered brother, a killer that goes free, and a family that struggles with grief and injustice. This deeply personal film is like nothing you’ve seen before.

3. Wild Wild Country (2018)

  • How long is it? 6 episodes, 64-71 minutes each.
  • In one line: A religious cult takes over a country, plans mass poisoning and bomb blasts.

Controversial Indian guru Bhagwan Rajneesh Osho and his follower Ma Anand Sheela bought a large piece of land in Oregon. The idea was to set up a commune for their followers. But the local townspeople weren’t happy with how Osho, Sheela, and their followers conducted themselves. It quickly devolved and escalated into a violent battle.

This true crime documentary gets plenty of interview footage with Sheela from 2018, who makes no denials about what she did, making this a riveting watch.

4. The Keepers (2017)

  • How long is it? 7 episodes, 1 hour each.
  • In one line: Can you solve a murder mystery 50 years after it happened?.

What starts off as a murder investigation of a case from the 1960s turns into something far more sinister in The Keepers. This mini-series uncovers the corruption of officials and exploitation of children in a school in the US And it’s remarkable how as the investigators find more clues, the stories of witnesses start changing.

This one is a must-watch for fans of Twin Peaks.

5. Casting JonBenet (2017)

  • How long is it? 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • In one line: Revisit an infamous murder mystery from the 1990s in a whole new way.

Another one for Twin Peaks fans, Casting JonBenet is a different kind of true crime documentary film. It’s about the unsolved death of six-year-old child beauty pageant queen JonBenet Ramsey in 1996. Now, filmmakers try to cast people from the local community in a re-enactment of the murder mystery. And in the process, they uncover startling tales from all participants.

6. Amanda Knox (2016)

  • How long is it? 1 hour 32 minutes.
  • In one line: An international miscarriage of justice in the new media world.

Amanda Knox is a name you probably already know. In 2007, as an exchange student in Italy, Knox was jailed for murdering another student. It was an international media sensation, as she spent four years in prison. Eventually, she appealed her ruling and the Supreme Court of Italy freed her in 2015.

This documentary traces the whole saga and shows how the media and social networks affected this trial. It’s one of the best Netflix documentaries of 2016.

7. Evil Genius (2018)

  • How long is it? 4 episodes, around 50 minutes each.
  • In one line: One of the most bizarre crimes in US history has an even stranger backstory.

Pizza delivery man Brian Wells shot to fame as the “pizza bomber.” In 2003, Wells was in a live televised standoff with the police, where he had a bomb around his neck, which eventually went off. If that sounds bizarre, wait till you see the backstory about the people who forced him into that situation.

The tapes and interviews of purported mastermind Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong will send chills down your spine. In our opinion, after Making a Murderer, this is the best true crime documentary currently on Netflix.

8. The Confession Killer (2019)

  • How long is it? 6 episodes, around 45 minutes each.
  • In one line: Henry Lee Lucas confessed to over 100 murders, but did he really do it?

Henry Lee Lucas confessed to killing over 100 people, and was convicted of killing 11 of them. It was a sensational case in the 1980s, earning him the notorious title of America’s most prolific murderer. But once this Netflix documentary shines a harsh light on the facts, things start to unravel.

Was Lucas not mentally sound? Did the police lead him to confess crimes he didn’t commit so that they could shut cases? The fallout of the investigation is as interesting as the case itself.

9. The Confession Tapes (2017)

  • How long is it? 7 episodes, 50 minutes each.
  • In one line: A signed confession doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

Once the suspect gives a full confession, that’s the end of the case, right? It has to be the truth, our brain says. Watch The Confession Tapes to see why this couldn’t be farther from it.

The seven-episode series is a shocking look at police tactics to make a suspect confess to something he or she didn’t do. These are cases where the confession was overturned, so the victims get to talk about how they were duped by the people meant to protect us.

10. Don’t F*** With Cats: Hunting an internet Killer (2019)

  • How long is it? 3 episodes, around one hour each.
  • In one line: Internet sleuths try to figure out the identity of a cat murderer before things escalate.

The internet loves cats. But one day, a grisly video went viral about a boy suffocating two cats to death. The killer was careful to leave no clues, but internet sleuths banded together to figure out who he was. It was only a matter of time before he escalated his crimes. And as they started getting closer, an even ghastlier video surfaced.

Don’t F*** With Cats isn’t earning points for its narration or editing, but it’s a must-watch true crime documentary for the internet age.

11. The Staircase (2018)

  • How long is it? 13 episodes, 45 minutes each.
  • In one line: A high-profile murder trial under the media glare, and often touted as one of the best true crime documentaries.

Several critics hail The Staircase as one of the best true crime documentaries of all time.

In 2001, Author Michael Peterson’s wife Kathleen fell down the stairs and died. But investigators were quick to point out that the injuries were not consistent, and suspected the husband of murder. And slowly it emerged that a friend of Peterson’s died 18 years ago at the bottom of a staircase with injuries to her head.

The media and the documentary closely follow Peterson’s trial over 18 years to make for a riveting binge watch. Originally a 10-part series, Netflix produced three new episodes on updates to the case, and you can now stream all 13 episodes.

12. Conversations With a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes (2019)

  • How long is it? 4 episodes, one hour each.
  • In one line: Extensive interviews with one of the most famous serial killers of all time.

After Ted Bundy’s imprisonment, journalists Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth interviewed him extensively, with over 100 hours of conversation. Conversations With a Killer exposes these tapes, mixed with interviews of Bundy’s family and friends, law enforcement officers, and survivors of his attacks. It’s a unique look into the mind of one of the most famous serial killers of all time.

13. The Fear of 13 (2015)

  • How long is it? 1 hour 36 minutes.
  • In one line: The greatest “standup crime” act you’ll ever see.

Nick Yarris is a death row inmate who petitions the state for the only thing he can ask for: an execution. And to plead his case, he stars in this tell-all documentary.

Like the best stand-up comedians, Yarris has a gift of verbal storytelling that will give you goosebumps. He makes you live ever single moment with him. No recreations, no silly effects. It’s just a man talking into the camera. And it’s the greatest true crime story you’ll ever hear.

14. The Innocence Files (2020) and Exhibit A (2019)

  • How long is it? 8 episodes, around one hour each.
  • In one line: Attempts to set free those inmates who were wrongfully convicted

Both Exhibit A and The Innocence Files have a similar theme: wrongful convictions. Exhibit A focuses on how prosecutors can misinterpret and manipulate forensic evidence. The Innocence Files follows eight cases by The Innocent Project, which seeks to exonerate inmates who don’t deserve to be behind bars.

Neither series necessarily has a happy ending, so keep that in mind while you watch. It’s more about facing the realities of a harsh legal system. While separate, these are some of the best true crime documentaries to watch.

15. Abducted in Plain Sight (2017)

  • How long is it? 90 minutes.
  • In one line: One of the strangest crimes where a girl is kidnapped by the same man twice, while the family knows about it…

It’s almost impossible to believe what’s happening on the screen while watching Abducted in Plain Sight. A teenage girl in suburban America goes missing. And it turns out that a neighbor and family friend abducted her, drugged her, and molested here.

However it then gets even stranger, with extramarital affairs involving the kidnapper, alien conspiracy theories, and a second kidnapping and abuse of the same girl by the same man. Abducted in Plain Sight is a shocking revelation of how criminals use grooming and manipulation.

Go Beyond Documentaries for More Crime Viewing

In case you missed it, there’s a must-watch Netflix show called American Vandal that parodies this new genre of true crime documentaries. Plus there are plenty of true crime shows that aren’t documentaries but faithful recreations. You should check out Wormwood, American Crime Story, and The Legend of Cocaine Island.

While true crime documentaries are currently in vogue on Netflix, don’t miss out on crime shows either. Many of them use true crime for inspiration. In fact, if you like them gritty, shows from the UK tend to be better than American series. Try the best British crime dramas on Netflix to get a taste of high quality television.

Image Credit: Syda_Productions/Depositphotos

Read the full article: The 15 Best True Crime Documentaries on Netflix

from MakeUseOf

You Can Now Schedule Tweets to Post on Twitter


It’s now possible to schedule tweets without using a third-party app. While you have previously had to use TweetDeck to schedule tweets to post at a later date, you can now do so using You can also now save drafts you’re not yet ready to send.

Twitter began testing the feature in November 2019, with a select number of users having the option to schedule tweets. However, the social networking site is now rolling out the feature to everyone. Unfortunately, it’s web-only, at least for the time being.

How to Schedule a Tweet to Post Later

To schedule a tweet to send at a later date:

  1. Go to and sign in to your account.
  2. Compose your tweet as you would normally.
  3. Click the Schedule button (which looks like a calendar).
  4. Pick the date and time you want to post your tweet.
  5. Click Confirm, and sit back and relax.

You can also save drafts of tweets. To do so:

  1. Go to and sign in to your account.
  2. Start composing your tweet as you would normally.
  3. Rather than clicking “Tweet” click the X in the top-left.
  4. In the window that pops up, click Save to save your draft.
  5. When you want to resume writing, click Unsent Tweets.

It should be noted that any drafts of tweets you save on the website will only be accessible via the web. So you can’t start composing a tweet on, save it as a draft, and then finish composing it on the Twitter app for Android or iOS. Unfortunately.

If You Still Aren’t Using Twitter…

The ability to schedule tweets for later is a useful new feature for longtime Twitter users. However, there are still millions of people who seem confused by Twitter and the way it works. Thankfully, for those people, we have an article explaining how to use Twitter.

Read the full article: You Can Now Schedule Tweets to Post on Twitter

from MakeUseOf

Do You Really Need a Mac Pro? What You Need to Know


The Mac Pro is the highest-end computer that Apple sells. It’s an extremely powerful machine with an eye-watering price tag to match.

But what is the Mac Pro actually used for, and who needs a Mac Pro? Let’s look at what the machine offers and find out why Apple makes such a powerful desktop computer.

What Is the Mac Pro?

The Mac Pro is an Apple desktop computer designed for professional work. Don’t confuse its name with the similar MacBook Pro or iMac Pro, which are different machines. We’ll touch on those later.

Apple has released three generations of Mac Pro. The first model, which used a typical “tower” look, was introduced in 2006. It was succeeded by the cylindrical Mac Pro in 2013, which had several issues, including a lack of upgradability.

The most recent Mac Pro launched in December 2019 and returns to the standard “desktop tower” setup. This is the Mac Pro we’ll consider here, since the old models are too outdated to recommend nowadays.

Mac Pro Specs and Upgrade Options

Unlike the 2013 Mac Pro, Apple’s current revision allows for tons of customization (including on your own after purchase). When you head to Apple’s Mac Pro purchase page, you’ll see two configurations. One is the standard tower setup, which starts at $5,999. You can also purchase it for use in a rack starting at $6,499, which is mostly for business use.

If you stick with the cheapest possible Mac Pro ($5,999), it comes with the following specs:

Mac Pro Base Model

  • 3.5GHz 8-core Intel Xeon W processor, with Turbo Boost up to 4.0GHz
  • 32GB (4x8GB) of DDR4 ECC memory
  • Radeon Pro 580X with 8GB of GDDR5 memory
  • 256GB SSD storage

Each Mac Pro also comes with a Magic Mouse 2, Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad, and a USB-C to Lightning cable. A monitor is not included.

You can upgrade the CPU, memory, graphics hardware, and storage if the base isn’t enough for your needs. There are too many upgrade options to list out here, but a few examples to give you an idea include:

Apple Mac Pro Upgrades

  • An additional $1,000 to upgrade to a 3.3GHz 12-core Intel Xeon W processor, with Turbo Boost up to 4.4GHz.
  • $1,000 more to upgrade to 96GB (6x16GB) of memory.
  • An extra $1,600 for two Radeon Pro W5700X cards with 16GB of GDDR6 memory each.
  • An additional $800 for 2TB of SSD storage.
  • $2,000 more for an Apple Afterburner card, which helps with extremely demanding video editing.
  • $400 extra to replace the computer’s feet with wheels so you can easily move it.

Extra Mac Pro Accessories

Apple offers a few additional accessories before you check out. The Pro Display XDR is a 32-inch 6K screen that’s available in either standard glass or Apple’s “nano-texture” glass. The standard model costs $4,999, while the nano-texture glass is $5,999.

The monitor doesn’t include a stand, so you’ll have to pay another $999 for the Pro Stand. This allows you to adjust the monitor’s viewing angle however you like and easily detach the magnetic connection in order to change the orientation or remove the display. If you’d rather, you can instead buy a VESA Mount Adapter for $199.

Clearly, if you have money to spend, you can put a lot of power into the Mac Pro. Just for fun, if you upgraded everything in the Mac Pro to its absolute max, here’s the setup you’d have (along with the cost of fully upgrading each item):

  • 2.5GHz 28-core Intel Xeon W processor with Turbo Boost up to 4.4GHz ($7,000).
  • 1.5TB (12x128GB) of DDR4 ECC memory ($25,000).
  • Two Radeon Pro Vega II Duo with 2x32GB of HBM2 memory each ($10,800).
  • 8TB SSD storage ($2,600).
  • Apple Afterburner card ($2,000)
  • Frame wheels ($400)

This all comes to the staggering sum of $53,799. Adding the Pro Display XDR would cost another $4,999, or $5,999 for the nano-texture glass model. And this doesn’t include AppleCare+ or preinstalled software like Final Cut Pro X, which come at additional cost.

What Is the Use of a Mac Pro?

Of course, what the Mac Pro offers exceeds the needs of 99% of people. This might lead you to ask what the use of a Mac Pro is. Let’s take a look.

Top-of-the-Line Image and Video Editing

People who work with terabytes of ultra-high-definition video footage need a powerful computer to handle it all smoothly and prevent hangups. The Mac Pro’s powerful video cards, massive amounts of RAM, and speedy SSD storage are built for tasks like that.

While you might balk at the extreme price of the Pro Display XDR, having accurate color display is essential for graphic designers and other creative professionals. They need a clear representation of how their work will look outside the screen, which is where premium displays like this shine.

Heavy-Duty Graphical Performance

Demanding 3D apps, such as engineering design software, require a lot of video resources. Professional-grade software is a lot more difficult to run smoothly than consumer-level apps, which is why specialized industries need a powerful computer like the Mac Pro.

This means that computer-aided design, medical imaging, emulating multiple instances of an app at once, and similar tasks require much more power than a standard computer can provide.

Gaming and Game Development

While Macs aren’t primarily known as gaming machines, the Mac Pro has enough power to run most games compatible with macOS. Of course, you can always use BootCamp to install Windows on your Mac and get access to the wealth of games on that platform.

Game developers who prefer Macs could also use the Mac Pro’s power to work on their titles.

Mac Pro Alternatives

Frankly, if you’re wondering whether you need a Mac Pro, you almost certainly don’t. The machine is designed for a specific niche of professionals who need a powerhouse of a computer. Unless you are a professional in the fields of video editing, image editing, or 3D rendering, you very likely do not need a Mac Pro.

Knowing that, which Mac should you get instead? Let’s consider a few options based on your use case.

MacBook Options

Macbook Pro 15 inch

If you frequently work on the go, a MacBook is obviously the best choice.

For light work like web browsing and word processing, the MacBook Air is a great all-around machine. It starts at $999 and goes up to $2,249 if you max out everything.

Meanwhile, if you need portable power, take a look at the MacBook Pro. The 13-inch model starts at $1,299, while the 16-inch model begins at $2,399. Maxing out a 13-inch MacBook Pro results in a $3,599 price tag, or $6,099 for the 16-inch model.

The MacBook Pro can’t handle extreme editing tasks like the Mac Pro can. But if you want to do some light video editing or app development on the go, it’s definitely capable of those tasks.

Take a look at our MacBook model comparison for more info.

iMac Options

iMac Pro looking sleek

You have more options on the desktop Mac front. The most direct comparison to the Mac Pro is the iMac Pro, which starts at $5,000.

It’s still way overkill for most people, but includes more in the box. You get a 1TB SSD and a 27-inch 5K display, giving you four times the base storage of the Mac Pro and a monitor ready to go. If you want to upgrade, an iMac Pro maxes out at $14,299—we’ve compared the most powerful Mac models if you’re interested in specifics.

For more modest needs, consider a standard iMac. The 21.5-inch model starts at $1,099, while the 27-inch iMac is available from $1,799. Unfortunately, the base models of iMac don’t include a solid-state drive, so we highly recommend upgrading to an SSD if you choose this computer.

Finally, you could go for a Mac mini. This tiny computer has you connect your own peripherals, including a monitor. It starts at $799 and is great if you want the desktop Mac experience on a budget.

Check out our iMac vs. MacBook guide if you’re not sure which to pick.

Consider Building a Windows PC

If you’re interested in a Mac Pro, chances are that you’re not a fan of Windows. However, if your primary interest is having a powerful PC for heavy-duty work or gaming, you can get a lot for your money by building your own PC.

Check out our guide to picking the right PC building components for help with this. You can build a respectable computer for much less than a comparative Mac costs. Of course, this option sacrifices the macOS experience, so you’ll have to decide whether it’s worth it for you.

The Mac Pro Is for Serious Professionals Only

We’ve seen that the Mac Pro certainly has uses, but it’s not made for the average consumer. Between the extreme hardware upgrades available and sky-high price tag, chances are that you won’t get enough value out of the Mac Pro to justify the cost.

Stick with one of Apple’s consumer-facing machines instead, and you’ll have enough for your needs. To help, we’ve shown how to build the perfect Mac for you on Apple’s website.

Read the full article: Do You Really Need a Mac Pro? What You Need to Know

from MakeUseOf

The 10 Best Apps for Discovering Events Happening Around You


Festivals, concerts, sports, and other events happen everywhere, all the time. No matter which you prefer or even if you enjoy all of them, how do you know what’s going on and when? One of the best ways to find out is with your mobile device.

Whether you’re sitting on the couch looking for something to do or are already out and deciding where to go after dinner, these are the best free mobile apps to find events in your area.

1. Eventbrite

Eventbrite is one of the greatest event apps for finding local happenings of all kinds. Music festivals, craft shows, and even bar crawls are right at your fingertips.

Enable access to your location to see what’s happening around you, or search by city. The app then gives you dates, times, locations, maps, and similar events. You can also check ticket prices and order those that are available.

You can browse events by category or search for something specific. Plus, you can share happenings with your friends or save your favorites with a free account. Eventbrite has it all, but there are plenty of Eventbrite alternatives if you’d like something different.

Download: Eventbrite for Android | iOS (Free)

2. All Events in City

True to its name, you can also find events in your area with All Events in City. From sports and art to workshops and seminars, you can find just the right occasion for you.

Pop in your city to begin and then browse the events listed by category. You can tap to see all events within a category, like Entertainment or Upcoming. Then, narrow your results by subcategories such as Concerts or Comedy.

All Events in City gives you the dates, times, and locations as well as descriptions, maps, and ticket links. What’s great about this app is the ability to mark if you are attending, contact the organizer, add it to your calendar, and share it with friends—all from one spot.

Download: All Events in City for Android | iOS (Free)

3. Unation

Unation lets you discover events or search for them easily. Set up a free account and then browse by location. You can narrow down your options with filters for staff picks, recently added, interests, location, date, or creator.

So if you are looking only for fashion, family, or fitness events, you can tap to find those quickly. Then review the dates, times, locations, descriptions, and see who else is attending from the user group. You can mark if you plan to go, which makes getting together with friends who also use Unation easy.

If an event requires tickets, you can check prices and proceed with ordering right from the app. Unation is a good tool for planning outings with others.

Download: Unation for Android | iOS (Free)

4. 10times

For fairs, expos, trade shows, farmers’ markets, and other enjoyable events, 10times is a solid events app. It may not be as fancy as some others, but it gives you the details you need for nearby happenings.

Set up a free account, select your interests, and then see what events are taking place. The tabs let you review upcoming, nearby, or trending options. The app shows all details for dates, times, descriptions, and the organizer’s information.

You can set up reminders, invite others, and mark if you plan to attend. 10times offers a bit extra because you can also use it to find businesses in your area. This makes the app a useful all-purpose option.

Download: 10times for Android | iOS (Free)

5. Ticketmaster

Maybe the types of events you like are a bit bigger than local art shows or business workshops. For sporting, theater, and live music events, Ticketmaster is well-known. Find your events, purchase your tickets, and you’re on your way to a fun-filled day or evening.

You can look for events based on your location or enter a city name. Then browse by popular, nearby, this weekend, or upcoming events.

If you use Ticketmaster online, you can log into your account in the app. Get event details with dates, times, locations, accessibility, parking, and a map. Then check out seating for the venue, ticket prices, and make a purchase if you’re ready to go.

Download: Ticketmaster for Android | iOS (Free)

6. Meetup

Since its founding way back in 2002, Meetup has grown to become one of the most popular events apps available.

The brand inadvertently found itself in the middle of the 2019 WeWork storm, following the real estate company’s 2017 buyout. However, in March 2020 it changed hands again and its long-term future appears secure.

The app focuses on local in-person meetups and events. More than 225,000 meetup groups around the world use the app to list local events in 130 countries.

Download: Meetup for Android | iOS (Free)

7. LikeALocal

One of the hardest times to find something to do nearby is when you’re in a foreign country. And because time is typically limited when you’re abroad, you don’t want to waste time visiting museums, restaurants, and other attractions that aren’t up to scratch.

That’s where LikeALocal is useful. All the recommendations and events listed in the app are vetted by someone who lives in the area. It helps you to avoid tourist traps and gimmicks, letting you see the real face of the city you’re visiting instead.

The standout feature is the smart stream. It’s a real-time feed of open attractions and events happening nearby. You can download all the content for offline reading to save your data while you’re roaming.

Sadly, the app is only available on iOS.

Download: LikeALocal for iOS (Free, in-app purchases available)

8. Facebook

We’ve all heard the stories of Facebook events getting wildly out of control, with thousands of people turning up to birthday parties and the like. Those stories alone are a testament to Facebook’s ability to find events in your town.

Even if you’re not an active Facebook user, remember that hundreds of restaurants, businesses, and activity groups in your area do maintain an active profile. It’s even fairly common to see them offering discounts and promotions to people who reference a particular post. And with maps, attendee lists, and event management tools, Facebook is a surprisingly holistic event app.

Disclaimer: MakeUseOf does not condone crashing birthday parties unannounced!

Download: Facebook for Android | iOS (Free)

9. StubHub

If you like the idea of larger events and ticket purchasing all in one app, but want a Ticketmaster alternative, try StubHub. It lets you explore what’s going on by location or category like sports, theater, or music.

Similar to Ticketmaster, you can see all event details, check the seating map, view ticket prices, and make a purchase. If you sign in or sign up for a free account, you can use the price alert feature.

You may not find smaller events like festivals or parades, but if you would rather go big, the app is worth checking out.

Download: StubHub for Android | iOS (Free)

10. Vivid Seats

Vivid Seats is another app for finding local events with ticket purchasing. Select a city and state from the list, view suggested events nearby, and then buy tickets.

Like Ticketmaster and StubHub, the events you see in Vivid Seats are on a large scale. So for concerts, sports, and theater, it’s a nice option.

You can filter results you see by event type, category, dates, or date range. While Vivid Seats doesn’t have quite as many event details as the others, it’s still worth checking out.

A pair of features that stand out are Scan Your Music and Connect to Spotify, which provide help in finding events. If you want to see when one of your favorite artists will be in town, this is an awesome way to find out.

Download: Vivid Seats for Android | iOS (Free)

Get Ready, Get Set, Go Out!

Whether for business or pleasure, large or small, these mobile apps for events can help you find fun goings-on in your area.

For something a bit more focused, check out the best restaurant picker apps to help you decide where to eat. You can also find plenty to do online when you’re bored if going out isn’t in the cards for now.

Read the full article: The 10 Best Apps for Discovering Events Happening Around You

from MakeUseOf

How to Set Up a PayPal Account and Receive Money From Anyone


Whether you’re shopping online or selling, you should have a PayPal account. It’s ideal for receiving money from friends and family, as well as from customers of your business or website.

Think receiving payment with PayPal is difficult to set up? Think again!

Let’s learn why you need a PayPal account and how to send and receive money online.

Why Should You Create a PayPal Account?

Over the years PayPal has solidified itself as the de facto payment system for anyone doing business online.

PayPal grew as it found a gap in the market between less advanced alternatives and greedy credit card processors. Much of this growth was fueled by eBay, which needed a cheap, convenient payment system. Sellers couldn’t afford credit card processing and buyers didn’t want to risk sharing their credit cards with strangers.

Sign up to PayPal to receive money on PayPal

PayPal offered a solution to both, a safe and secure means to send and receive money. It works online and offline, provides tools to businesses of all sizes and types, and even offers a pre-paid credit card.

These days, PayPal can be used to purchase goods almost anywhere—you can even use PayPal on Amazon.

If you don’t already have a PayPal account, you should. Head to, click Sign Up, choose your account type, provide a name, email address. and password, and you’re done.

Note that two account types are available, Personal and Business. Below we’ll look at how to receive money on PayPal using a personal account, then move onto business accounts.

How to Set Up a Paypal Account for Receiving Payments

A personal account can subscribe to websites, buy on eBay and other online stores, and send and receive money. As you might know, you can use any type of PayPal account to receive money.

For example, there’s eBay. You might have sold the odd item on eBay, which doesn’t require a PayPal business account, and received the money.

However, you can also receive money from people beyond eBay. Friends and family might send you money, or you could have a link on your blog or website for donations.

For years, the most common way to receive payments on PayPal has been to simply request a payment from someone.

Receive PayPal Money on the Web

With a personal eBay account, you can request money by signing into your account and clicking Request money.

Receive money in PayPal

In the field, enter the email address of the person who you want to receive money from. Add the value of the request, perhaps a note, and if necessary, add another email address. Up to 20 addresses can be entered at a time.

Click Request Now to complete the process and wait for the funds to be sent to you.

Usually, this won’t be required if you’re using a system like eBay, where the request for payment is an automated part of the process, and where buyers usually just pay for the products immediately upon winning the auction.

These are the two most common ways to receive money from people, and these methods have been available in some form or another since PayPal was founded. However, these days, PayPal provides many more options for you to offer your customers and clients for sending you the money that you’re owed.

Receive Money With the PayPal App

With a PayPal mobile app on iPhone and Android, you can request payments in three ways.

  1. Enter the name, email address, or mobile number of the person you’re requesting money from. Enter the amount, add a message, review the amount, then click Request Now.
  2. You can Share your link using social networks and email. This creates a clickable link that the recipient (or anyone) can use to send you money via PayPal.
  3. Split a bill is ideal for paying the balance at a restaurant or grouping together for a gift. Just input the value of the bill, add the email addresses of the group, and request the money.

Mobile devices are increasingly important to PayPal thanks to the growing facility of mobile payments for every type of transaction.

7 Ways Business Can Receive Money on PayPal

As well as manually requesting money, PayPal offers several tools to help you receive money in other ways. These are available to business accounts and include subscription tools, buttons, and point-of-sale tools.

  1. Invoices
  2. PayPal Checkout
  3. Subscriptions
  4. Point-of-sale Terminal
  5. Virtual Terminal (telephone payments)
  6. QR Code
  7. PayPal buttons

Each of these options is explained below in further detail.

1. PayPal Invoices

For business purposes, you can create an invoice in PayPal to send to clients. This has three options: a standard one-off invoice, a recurring invoice, and an estimate.

PayPal Invoices have all the fields you need for customization, e.g. specifying invoice numbers, setting logos, adding addresses. The result is a polished professional invoicing system.

2. PayPal Checkout

Run a website with a few bits of merchandise? Have a full eCommerce catalog? Either way, PayPal Checkout is available, either by adding a few lines of code or adding complete integration.

If you want your customers to take you seriously and receive money for your goods over PayPal, use Checkout.

3. Receive Money With PayPal Subscriptions

Set up a subscription program to receive money on PayPal

Offer a product or service that has recurring payments? Perhaps it’s an online TV station or a membership website.

PayPal offers a useful feature for receiving timely, regular payments: PayPal Subscriptions. Simply select the subscription product, add details, select a pricing model, and a periodic fee.

4. A Portable PayPal PoS iZettle Terminal

Businesses that use PayPal and have signed up to its Commerce Platform can use iZettle. This is a PayPal-owned service that offers a portable reader and mobile app for handling card payments.

It’s ideal for pop-up shops, market stalls, craft fairs, and similar small businesses. If credit card processing overheads are likely to crush your profit, try iZettle.

5. Virtual Terminal Payments

PayPal will also let business accounts receive payments using a virtual terminal system. This enables the processing of debit or credit card payments over the phone. Virtual terminal payments use card-not-present authorization and must be applied for before you start using it.

6. Receive PayPal Money With a QR Code

QR codes are another great way to receive money. No one needs to handle cards, making it ideal for restricted contact or lockdown scenarios. PayPal QR codes are free for sellers to use until September 2020, when a fee will be added. Check your local PayPal for details, as different countries have slightly different fees.

7. Add PayPal Buttons to Your Site

Receive money on your website with PayPal buttons

Another great feature of PayPal is the ability to add payment buttons to your website. Several such buttons are available, with labels such as Buy Now, Add to Cart, Subscribe. The right button selection will ensure you receive money from customers to your PayPal account.

Simply select a button, grab the code, and add it to your website code.

PayPal: You’re Ready to Receive Money

With so many ways to receive money from PayPal, there’s no reason to bother with cash. Friends and family can request money via PayPal with ease in the app. You can receive money from eBay sales automatically, but if you’re building your enterprise, a PayPal business account opens more options.

Running into trouble using PayPal? Here are some common PayPal problems and how to fix them.

Read the full article: How to Set Up a PayPal Account and Receive Money From Anyone

from MakeUseOf

Where to Find Puppies for Sale: 10 Ethical Sites for Puppy Adoption

So you’re on a mission to get a new best friend—a puppy. What an exciting time! But where do you go to find your next best friend?

Local shelters and rescues are the ideal places to start if you’re interested in adoption. And if you’d like a purebred pup, you have that option too. That’s where top pet websites like these come in handy. They can help you find the right puppy for you and your family. And, they make it easy to find a perky little pooch nearby.


Adopt-A-Pet Main Page is an excellent website, backed by well-known companies like Purina and Bayer. And the site is not just for dogs either. You can search for cats, rabbits, horses, birds, and other types of pets. You can also look for local shelters and rescue services.

The interface is clean and easy to use. Enter your location and optionally the age and breed you’re looking for. Hit Search and you’re on your way to finding Fido! You can browse through the search results, see photos, or narrow your search further. You’ll see details for the dogs that interest you like age, color, and weight, and can then follow the adoption process.

Adopt-a-Pet also offers a handy pet alert options where you can receive emails when new pets match your search criteria.

2. American Kennel Club (AKC)

AKC Marketplace

The AKC is an organization that has been around since the late 1800’s, so you know it’s reputable. Also, they play a major role in registered breeds. The marketplace page on their site is only a very small part of their focus, but if you’re interested in learning about an organization you know you can trust, it’s an option for you to consider.

You’ll only find dogs from breeders who are AKC-licensed or club members who have AKC-registered puppies. These aren’t going to be average breeders, and especially not people whose dog had an unplanned litter of pups.

In addition, you’re going to be paying a lot more for a dog who’s registered by the AKC. With them, you’re looking for a dog who can compete in shows and trials.

3. NextDayPets

NextDayPets Search Results Page

On NextDayPets, the interface provides a nice way to navigate through their website. Enter a breed into the search box and click the blue Find a puppy button.

You are then able to refine your results by gender, location, price range, and other factors. Each result displays the breed, age, and location. If you select a pup to learn more, you’ll see additional photos and full details about the dog including if they are microchipped and AKC-registered.

You can contact the seller or breeder directly through the NextDayPets website or hit the Reserve Me button to move forward through the adoption process.

4. Petfinder

Petfinder Main Page

Petfinder is another very well-known source for finding puppies, as well as many other pets. In fact, its search results are used by many other websites and it also allows breeders and rescue organizations to host their own website directly within Petfinder.

On the main page, enter your location and start your search for the type of puppy that you want. You can then narrow down your results by age, breed, size, gender, behavior, or other options.

Select a puppy that interests you for additional photos, a description, whether the dog is good with children, and other helpful details. If you want to contact the current owner or shelter, you can do so easily with the form on the website.


ASPCA Adoptions

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, otherwise known as the ASPCA, is another very reputable source for finding nearby animal shelters.

Click the Adopt button at the top and then check out pets available for adoption from dogs to cats to horses. You can also select the Local Shelters tab to find a shelter in your area or view dogs available at a local shelter. Enter your zip code, optionally a breed and gender, and mark options for sizes, ages, and behavior.

Selecting a pet will provide you with full details, their location, and the contact information.

6. RescueMe.Org

Rescue Me Main Page

Rescue Me! is an animal rehabilitation center that offers adoption services through their website. Click the View Animals for Adoption button at the top, pick the type of pet, and then browse through the adorable photos covering any breed imaginable.

You’ll then move onto choosing your location and will see results for the breed you select in your area. When you see a pooch you like, check out details about their compatibility, personality, health, and more.

What’s really awesome about Rescue Me! is they have a whole page of links for not only all of the Unities States but an impressive amount of countries in the world too.

7. The Shelter Pet Project

The Shelter Pet Project Main Page

The Shelter Pet Project is a public service ad campaign focused on encouraging potential pet owners to consider rescuing a pet from a shelter as their first option. They are backed by The Humane Society of the United States and Maddie’s Fund.

To begin looking for your new best friend, just enter your postal code, select either the cat or dog, and click the Search button. The results are magnificent and are easy to scan through. If you want to narrow down your search, you can click the More Filters button and choose breed, gender, size, and age.

In addition, you can search for nearby shelters.

8. Petco Foundation

Petco Foundation Adoptions

Petco is a popular shop for buying pet supplies, whether in stores or online. The Petco Foundation focuses on animal welfare and making a difference. So you’ll definitely want to head to their website for finding your new pal.

To help you on your puppy search, you can enter your location and any information about the type of dog you’re looking for such as breed and size. The site also lets you find cats, reptiles, birds, and other types of pets.

When you receive your search results, you can browse through the photos and then pick a pet that interests you. You’ll see details about the dog like age, gender, color, and size along with their current location. You can then call or email if you’d like to move forward with the adoption process.

9. PetSmart Charities

PetSmart Charities Adoptions

Like Petco, PetSmart is a terrific place to purchase pet supplies. As another leader in animal welfare, PetSmart Charities have helped millions of needy pets across the country. And if you’ve ever visited a PetSmart near you, you may have joined in on their pet adoption events.

On their website, you can find adoptable dogs and cats near you. Enter your zip code and then browse all available dogs or narrow down your options by age, breed, size, or gender. Pick a pup and check out full details along with the pet’s story. Click to send an email if you’re interested in adopting the dog you find or get the contact information.

PetSmart Charities is a wonderful place to continue your search for the perfect pet.


PuppyFind Main Page is a popular place to go to find a dog. The interface and ease of navigation around the site is decent.

Upon visiting the website, you have the option to search by clicking the Find a Puppy tab or using the search panel on the left side. The Find a Puppy page alphabetizes the breeds and provides rankings on size, grooming, exercise requirements, watchdog ability, and how good they are with other dogs.

You might be wondering how PuppyFind works. Like many of the websites in this article, PuppyFind simply helps you narrow down your options by breed and location and provides the contact information for the breeder of the dog you’re looking for. However, it plays no role in any purchase.

They also offer tips for puppy buyers and provide a contact link if you come across a scam.

Caution: There have been some complaints in the past that has dogs from what are called puppy mills.

Beware of Puppy Mills

One of the biggest things you should be aware of is puppy mills. I’ve already mentioned it briefly above and if this Wikipedia link doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will. They put profit and capital over the well-being of the animals. Unfortunately, some websites can’t catch every single one, so they rely on users to help. Many of the websites mentioned here provide more information about them, including the ASPCA, if you’re interested.

Finding Your Next Best Pal

Keep in mind that the ASPCA emphasizes that it’s best to see the puppy in person and to support your local shelters whenever possible. So hopefully one of these top pet websites can help you locate, contact, and visit with a dog that turns out to be the right fit for you and your family.

Once you’re connected with your new best friend, these free online dog training courses will come in handy, especially for young pups. And take a look at these GPS trackers for pets that run off.

Image Credit: Sergey Lavrentev/Shutterstock

Read the full article: Where to Find Puppies for Sale: 10 Ethical Sites for Puppy Adoption

from MakeUseOf