Sunday 31 August 2014

Will You Be Buying The iPhone 6? [MakeUseOf Poll]


The date has been set. The iPhone 6 approaches. On September 9, 2014, Apple will unveil its latest iDevice, and the tech press will fill reams of pages with news and views on the new smartphone from Cupertino. The only question is, will you be buying one? PS4 Beats PC In Battle Of Acronyms To answer this week’s question please scroll down the page until you see the poll staring back at you. But first, we need to look at the results from last week, when we asked, “PS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U: Which Games Console Will Win...

Read the full article: Will You Be Buying The iPhone 6? [MakeUseOf Poll]

from MakeUseOf


10 Urban Myths Of Gaming

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Does the third dungeon map in The Legend Of Zelda seem familiar to you? It kind of looks like a swastika. But is it? Have you even heard of any of these 10 urban gaming myths? Did you believe them? via Liberty Games

Read the full article: 10 Urban Myths Of Gaming

from MakeUseOf


Saturday 30 August 2014

Nintendo’s New 3DS – Here’s Why You Should Be Excited


On August 29th, Nintendo announced that it would be bringing a new 3DS console to Japan this October. More than just the size and style redesign of the 3DS XL, the New 3DS (and larger New 3DS LL model) is a half step toward being a new generation of handheld, with a faster CPU, more buttons, and even an exclusive game already announced. Learn more about the features of this new system, and appreciate all of the new possibilities it opens up for gaming on the go. The Next Generation Of 3DS Though we don’t have a release date for...

Read the full article: Nintendo’s New 3DS – Here’s Why You Should Be Excited

from MakeUseOf


40% Off Undercover for Mac, Get Your Stolen Mac Back for $29

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Is your MacBook Pro insured? Probably not, right? What would you do if it was stolen? It’s quite unlikely that your missing Mac would find its way back to you. Heartbreaking, isn’t it? What if you could run an app that would trace your Mac’s location whenever it leaves your wireless network, show you who’s using it (probably the thief!), and tell you exactly what that person is doing with your computer? What if it did this all automatically? No, it’s not too good to be true — this app exists, and it’s called Undercover. For a limited time only,...

Read the full article: 40% Off Undercover for Mac, Get Your Stolen Mac Back for $29

from MakeUseOf


10 Commandments of Logo Design

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First, they brought us the 10 Commandments of Typography. Then they came up with 10 Commandments of Colour Theory. Now, they attempt to teach us all about logo design through… you guessed it — 10 commandments. Who are these guys? Click to enlarge. via DesignMantic

Read the full article: 10 Commandments of Logo Design

from MakeUseOf


Friday 29 August 2014

PC Operating Temperatures: How Hot Is Too Hot?


Excessive heat can affect your computer’s performance and your hard drive’s lifespan. But how can you tell if it’s overheating or just hot? And should you be worried? It can be hard to determine if high temperatures are damaging your PC before it crashes, but there are things to watch out for. How Is Heat Generated? The simple fact is, heat is a natural by-product of electricity. Anything that uses energy to set in motion an activity (whether that’s a computer, a car engine or our own bodies) results in heat transference. Of course, the amount of electricity needed is...

Read the full article: PC Operating Temperatures: How Hot Is Too Hot?

from MakeUseOf


3 Ways Microsoft Is Forcing Windows Phone 7 Users To Abandon Ship


Remember Windows Phone 7? Of course you do, you might even still be using it. Figures released in July 2014 indicate 17.7% of all Windows Phone users are running the original version or one of its upgrades. This represents around 8.5 million of the 50 million Windows Phone devices in regular use (based on figures from AdDuplex) at the end of 2013. While this is obviously an estimation, it remains a significant number of devices. With the impending end of support, the regular closing of significant apps and the inability to upgrade devices to Windows Phone 8/8.1, the time has...

Read the full article: 3 Ways Microsoft Is Forcing Windows Phone 7 Users To Abandon Ship

from MakeUseOf


Don’t Be Fooled! 5 Tips To Avoid Fake Apps In The Windows Store


Microsoft launched Windows 8 with a new Windows Store full of “metro” apps. Though intended to compete with the App Store and Google Play, it was spoiled by useless junkware, scams and apps that blatantly ripped off popular brands, including some owned by Microsoft. The store has improved over time and Microsoft purged many fake apps, but it still features many questionable apps that are either redundant with Windows features, of poor quality, or charge for service that should be free. Here’s how to avoid getting scammed. Keep An Eye On The Developer Apps that mimic a well-known brand are...

Read the full article: Don’t Be Fooled! 5 Tips To Avoid Fake Apps In The Windows Store

from MakeUseOf


Dropbox Pro Launches 1TB Plan For $9.99/month. Adds Password Protection For Files


Storage provider Dropbox is the preferred cloud solution for many of us. The deal just got sweeter with the new Dropbox Pro plan, which gives 1TB of storage space and adds security features, all for $9.99 per month or $99 per year. The Difference Between Free and Pro In the free account, Dropbox gives 2GB of space, but there are ways to get more free space. Still, nothing will get you to 1TB apart from the Pro plan. There are three features worth talking about in the new upgrade, but here’s a quick list of everything that separates free accounts...

Read the full article: Dropbox Pro Launches 1TB Plan For $9.99/month. Adds Password Protection For Files

from MakeUseOf


10 Daily Distractions To Improve Your Productivity


On those days when our ‘to do list’ extends as long as our arm, trying to justify distracting ourselves with something not on that list seems impossible, and fills us with irrepressible guilt. Contrary to belief though, there are some distractions that could actually make us more productive. Take a Nap The motto of those busy types who hold up their jam-packed schedule with exhausted pride is usually something like ‘sleep is for the weak’ or ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead’, but taking a short power nap can actually give you a hearty boost in energy. This isn’t surprising, given...

Read the full article: 10 Daily Distractions To Improve Your Productivity

from MakeUseOf