Tuesday 31 October 2017

Best Projectors for Your Smartphone, Tablet, or Laptop


Although televisions remain the standard for home entertainment, projectors offer phenomenal value. Using a projector brings the wonder of the cinema into the home. Plus, projectors are useful for a variety of activities, from movies, television, and gaming to business presentations. But picking the right projector can be a challenge. Check out the best projectors for your smartphone, tablet, or laptop! Why Buy a Projector? The price of televisions has dropped substantially. Even 4K TV panels plummeted in price. However, snagging a decent 4K television will still set you back quite a bit of cash. Projectors provide several advantages over...

Read the full article: Best Projectors for Your Smartphone, Tablet, or Laptop

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2A1Ipz3

The Best Accounting Software Every Freelancer Needs


Accounting is tricky for anyone, but it’s especially tough for freelancers. There are so many taxes to pay, taxes to reclaim, forms, credits, and equations to consider… it’s a minefield of complexity. Worst of all, running afoul of the rules can be expensive, stressful, and sometimes even a crime. Luckily, we no longer need to rely on manual bookkeeping. Instead, there are lots of accounting apps vying for your attention. In this article, we round up some of the best. Each app we cover has at least one unique strength. 1. Xero “The most intuitive professional-grade app on the market.”...

Read the full article: The Best Accounting Software Every Freelancer Needs

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2xHdLJN

5 Times Smart Home Technology Went Terribly Wrong


The dawn of the smart devices — and eventually the smart home — changed consumer lives forever. But while smart homes come with great perks to make your life convenient, there are also times when smart devices do the exact opposite instead. Cybersecurity and privacy are major talking points for smart home enthusiasts, but it turns out a lot more can go wrong with these gadgets than malware. From malfunctions to situations no one saw coming, here are five times having a smart home went terribly wrong for owners. 1. When Roomba Does the Opposite of Cleaning Jesse Newton had...

Read the full article: 5 Times Smart Home Technology Went Terribly Wrong

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2gXChmy

A Beginner’s Guide To Digital Photography

Digital has almost completely taken over the photography world. There are some diehards who still love the look of film (even though you can get it with Photoshop), but if you buy a camera today, there’s a good chance it’s going to be digital. Despite the simplicity of the digital photography process (point, shoot, repeat), some beginners might find the world of digital photography to be intimidating. Should you buy a DSLR or mirrorless camera? What do the different settings do? What accessories do you need? How can you improve your skills? These are all valid questions. And we’re here to give...

Read the full article: A Beginner’s Guide To Digital Photography

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/1DDguSu

Learn All the Tips Really Successful Learners Use

Time travel. It’s 2030. The robots have taken your job. What is the one secret technique that can help you survive in this future world? Learning skills. Come back to today. It is a “secret” because we pay so less attention to it even with so much of information around. Learning is a meta-skill that is an enabler for several other skills. Think creativity…or even something as mundane as deliberate practice. There is so much to learn and so little time. How to learn well is the only meta-skill you need to take on any other self-education project. Successful learners have developed...

Read the full article: Learn All the Tips Really Successful Learners Use

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2hr81xF

How to Make Your Own LED Ring Light for YouTube Videos

Whether you’re making a short film or building a YouTube studio, lighting is one of the most important things to consider. Lighting is more important than nearly any other piece of equipment, but versatile lighting made for video professionals can be heavy and expensive. Why not make your own DIY ring light and save a bit of cash? Let’s get started! This tutorial is also available in video form here: What Is a Ring Light? A ring light is a simple device. It’s a series of light sources (usually LEDs) arranged in a circle. They are most commonly used as...

Read the full article: How to Make Your Own LED Ring Light for YouTube Videos

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zU6yGL

The Beginner’s Guide to Gmail

Are you looking for help with your new Gmail account? Or, are you still trying to figure out what all your Gmail email settings mean? You’ve come to the right place. In this guide, I’m going to… Show you how to create a new Gmail account. Understand the Inbox and how to organize your email. Look at advanced Gmail features. Talk about the Gmail mobile app. Point out how third-party cloud services work with your Gmail account online (or even offline). Whether you already have a Gmail account, or you’re thinking about signing up for one, this guide will have everything you need to...

Read the full article: The Beginner’s Guide to Gmail

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/1B1wUPn

7 Places You Can Buy a Dedicated Linux PC or Laptop Online


It’s easy to install Linux on an existing laptop or desktop computer. But what if you want to save yourself the effort? Is it possible to buy a Linux computer, with your choice of operating system already installed? Over the past few years, more and more businesses are focusing on Linux users. A few of these companies have made a name for themselves, perhaps by focusing on high end hardware, or developing their own Linux distribution. If you’re looking for a Linux PC, here are seven places you can find one to buy online right now. 1. Station X Based...

Read the full article: 7 Places You Can Buy a Dedicated Linux PC or Laptop Online

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zTVs4w

5 Wild but Common Android Myths That Need to Be Busted

Have you ever discovered that something you believed was just a myth? Myths are particularly dangerous because they can erroneously shape our thoughts on something to a negative perspective. Android is, unfortunately, the victim of many myths that have persisted for years. Let’s break down the most common ones and see what’s simply not true. Myth 1: Android Is a Wild West of Malware One of the most common lies detractors shout about Android is that it has malware waiting at every corner. “Our iPhones are impenetrable,” they say, “but Android can get viruses easily!” While it’s true that Android...

Read the full article: 5 Wild but Common Android Myths That Need to Be Busted

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2iNAm4F

Free Games! 6 Awesome Xbox One Games That Cost Nothing


The rise of digital downloads has made it easier than ever for developers to distribute their games without a price tag. Without the costs associated with producing cartridges or discs, studios can offer their games up for free. This means you, the player, can download tons of free games to your system to play without a cost. But not every “free” game is created equal. Some rely heavily on IAPs or downloadable content, and don’t actually offer a great deal without the player putting down some cold hard cash. We’ve picked the best titles that will all give you plenty...

Read the full article: Free Games! 6 Awesome Xbox One Games That Cost Nothing

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2z5xk1Q

How to Disable Annoying Outlook Calendar Reminders

If you use Outlook for managing tasks, you’re likely painfully aware of Calendar reminders. Reminders can definitely come in handy for important meetings and as a project management tool, but if you have several calendars connected to your account, you might be getting reminders left and right that you don’t need. Luckily, they’re very easy to turn off. To turn off Outlook Calendar reminders do the following: Go to File > Options > Calendar. Under Calendar Options uncheck Default Reminders and click OK. When you do this, you won’t receive reminders on meetings you’ve accepted that are in your calendar. If you’ve created reminders for specific...

Read the full article: How to Disable Annoying Outlook Calendar Reminders

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zUJjfY

Improve Your English With This Fun Chrome Experiment Game


Make sure your speakers are turned up because we’re going to play a game — a fun educational word game that will help to build up your spelling and pronunciation skills. Unlike many other word games, you’ll actually need your voice for this one! Speak to Play Spell Up is a Chrome experiment that relies on the latest Web API and speech recognition technologies to turn your browser into a spelling bee arena. Here’s how you play it: When you begin the game, choose your level from the three on offer: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. The end goal of the game...

Read the full article: Improve Your English With This Fun Chrome Experiment Game

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2ih6hGC

Use Your Roku for Local News and Weather (and Save Money)

Can you still watch local news and weather after cutting the cord? Yes! If you have a Roku device, at least.

Read the full article: Use Your Roku for Local News and Weather (and Save Money)

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zl60h1

When Is Black Friday in 2017?

Black Friday is an exciting time. After Thanksgiving concludes, the holiday season kicks off with the biggest day of deals you’ll see all year. Unlike Amazon Prime Day, which is only available to Amazon Prime members and is exclusive to Amazon, dozens of retailers join in for Black Friday. Black Friday means deals, deals, deals across tons of stores. Whether you want to buy appliances, video games, furniture, clothing, toys, or pretty much anything else, chances are you’ll find a deal worth getting excited about. You should do some preparation to make sure you’re prepared for Black Friday. By finding...

Read the full article: When Is Black Friday in 2017?

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2A3KCdm

Wikipedia’s Official “Unusual Articles” (And Other Weird Funny History Sites)


The history they teach us in school is the essential bits. It’s what we need to know to understand the world. But the untold history is far more fascinating, weird, and funny. The internet has its own bunch of amateur historians who dig up these stories and recount them in their own way. From facts on Wikipedia to hilarious narrations in podcasts, check out these strange stories from history. 1. Wikipedia’s Unusual Articles (Web): An Official List Wikipedia has become the record-keeper of everything that happens in history. Naturally, there are some insanely weird articles on it. But did you...

Read the full article: Wikipedia’s Official “Unusual Articles” (And Other Weird Funny History Sites)

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2ihbr5H

GameStop Offers All-You-Can-Eat Used Games

GameStop is launching a new initiative called Power Pass. This is an almost-but-not-quite Netflix for pre-owned games, except that you actually get to keep something when your subscription ends. Gaming is becoming an increasingly expensive hobby, so GameStop has chosen its moment wisely. GameStop has a reputation when it comes to buying and selling used games. It will give sellers a pittance, and charge buyers a premium. But with digital storefronts now the norm, GameStop needs to try something new. And that something new is an all-you-can-eat offering called Power Pass. Six Months Of Endless Gaming Power Pass is a...

Read the full article: GameStop Offers All-You-Can-Eat Used Games

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2gPUsXA

Amazon All-New Echo: 10 Things You Need to Know

The Amazon Echo fuses artificial intelligence (AI) assistant capabilities with speaker functionality. This allows for a variety of uses, from streaming music to integrating with smart home technology. Amazon continues to expand its Echo product line. The all-new Amazon Echo is more affordable than the original Echo (our Echo review) and boasts of more possible uses. Learn more about the second-generation Amazon Echo and what you need to know! What Is the Amazon Echo Plus? The Amazon Echo builds on the Echo lineup. Fittingly, the second-gen Echo doesn’t deviate much from the original Echo. It’s a hands-free speaker with voice...

Read the full article: Amazon All-New Echo: 10 Things You Need to Know

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2ii3op5

Start Hosting These Popular Web Apps Yourself to Save Money

If you’re a tech enthusiast of a certain age, you can still recall the following: “Wait, I can check my email in a browser?” We’ve been enjoying the benefits of web-based applications for many years now, and they’ve only grown more sophisticated over time. But as our lives have migrated online, it has raised many privacy concerns. Furthermore, many providers start by offering free services to consumers, only to introduce paid or “freemium” models later. Some of these still can’t find their footing, and end up going out of business, maybe even taking your data with them. Luckily, software has...

Read the full article: Start Hosting These Popular Web Apps Yourself to Save Money

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2xzjl0K

Monday 30 October 2017

Forgot Your iPhone Passcode? Here’s What You Can Do

With the latest generations of iPhones featuring all sorts of fancy unlock mechanisms like Face ID and TouchID, the reliance on a good-old passcode is going downhill. As you’re less accustomed to entering it now, the chances of forgetting your passcode shoot up significantly. Forgetting your iPhone’s passcode can be a very frustrating experience. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can use to reset your passcode. Before we dive into those methods, try using the following tip to recall your password. Try Using This Tip to Recall Your Password It might sound obvious, but try recalling your passcode keeping...

Read the full article: Forgot Your iPhone Passcode? Here’s What You Can Do

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2lqouqd

You Can Now Search eBay Using Images

In an effort to help people buy and sell more used items, eBay is rolling out to new visual search tools. These tools, called Image Search and Find It on eBay, will make it even easier to find the exact item you want to buy. Unfortunately, they won’t help fund your online shopping sprees. No one talks about eBay any more, but millions of people still use it to buy and sell things. There are so many items available on eBay — 1.1 billion at last count — that it’s sometimes hard to find exactly what you want. Which is...

Read the full article: You Can Now Search eBay Using Images

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2ltvl26

Feeling Uninspired? 10 Office Tweaks to Renew Your Productivity

Productivity and motivation go hand in hand. When you’re inspired, work flows out of you like water out of a spring; when you’re uninspired, it’s like taking blood from a stone. You can’t be motivated all the time, of course, but it sure does help when you are. What can you do when motivation is elusive? You have two options. The first is to wait and hope it strikes, which could take weeks or months. The second is to somehow force inspiration to strike. How do you do that? By injecting a bit of freshness and novelty into your workspace....

Read the full article: Feeling Uninspired? 10 Office Tweaks to Renew Your Productivity

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2lqdnO1

Ways to Watch TV on Your Nintendo Wii U (or Wii)

As the habit towards cord cutting expands, so more and more devices are offering media streaming options. Some are set-top boxes like the Roku; the Amazon Fire TV Stick and Fire TV are other good examples. You might prefer an Android-based box, or even a DIY solution, combining the Raspberry Pi with Kodi. And then there’s your game console. Many consoles are furnished with apps for popular streaming services, but what about the Nintendo Wii U, and its predecessor the Wii? Remarkably, these older devices enjoy the support of several big-name subscription streaming providers. Watching TV on Your Nintendo Wii U...

Read the full article: Ways to Watch TV on Your Nintendo Wii U (or Wii)

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/VzR1G1

How to Safely Upgrade to Windows 10 and Downgrade Back to Windows 7 or 8.1 Again


Microsoft’s offer to upgrade to Windows 10 free ended over a year ago. But you can still upgrade your copy of Windows 7 or 8.1 to Windows 10 using the assistive technology workaround or by entering your current license key. Whether you were a Windows 10 upgrade holdout or just want to upgrade your spare machine to Windows 10, we’ll show you everything you need in this guide. Step 0: What You Need Before You Start We’re going to walk through the process of upgrading Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, then using the built-in rollback tool to...

Read the full article: How to Safely Upgrade to Windows 10 and Downgrade Back to Windows 7 or 8.1 Again

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2gNA4q7

The MacBook Pro Touch Bar Sucks, So I Disabled It

Back in October 2016, Apple introduced its newest lineup of macOS devices. Among these were the next-generation MacBook Pro models featuring an all-new Touch Bar, a touch-sensitive display along the top of the keyboard. I never intended to upgrade my older MacBook Pro at that time, and I didn’t. However, because I fell immediately in love with the Touch Bar, at least as a concept, I planned on upgrading the next time Apple refreshed the MacBook lineup. That chance came in June 2017 when I finally took the plunge and purchased a mid-priced 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar and...

Read the full article: The MacBook Pro Touch Bar Sucks, So I Disabled It

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2ltVVbc

Google Pixelbook: Worse than a Microsoft Surface or MacBook Pro?


On October 4th, Google unveiled a bunch of new products alongside the Pixel 2 smartphone. The Google Pixelbook featured among these — the search giant’s third attempt at making a high-end laptop running Chrome OS. The Pixelbook checks many boxes for people spending $1,000 on a thin-and-light notebook. But how does it compare to Apple and Microsoft’s offerings in this price segment? Let’s find out. Pixelbook Origins Fun fact — the “Pixel” brand, now used for all of Google’s new hardware products, first appeared on a high-end laptop Google released in 2013 dubbed “Chromebook Pixel”. Unlike most Chromebooks which are popular because of their low price,...

Read the full article: Google Pixelbook: Worse than a Microsoft Surface or MacBook Pro?

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zSn1v1

Today Only: Save On The Echo Dot

Right now, Amazon has a couple ways for you to get an Echo Dot at a discounted price, and they’re both available today only! Don’t snooze on these deals. Echo Dot Echo Dot (2nd Generation) - Black Echo Dot (2nd Generation) - Black Echo Dot (2nd Generation) is a hands-free, voice-controlled device that uses Alexa to play music, control smart home devices, make calls, send and receive messages, provide information, read the news, set alarms, read audiobooks from Audible, control Amazon Video on Fire TV, and more Buy Now At Amazon $39.99 For its first Echo Dot deal, Amazon is...

Read the full article: Today Only: Save On The Echo Dot

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zYrrS9

These IFTTT Tricks Can Help You Grab Deals on Anything Online

Do you enjoy the handiness of automation plus the convenience of online shopping? If so, then it’s time to put IFTTT to work as your shopping assistant. This awesome application, available online and on mobile devices, can do multiple things to help you shop. You can get hot deals for your favorite online stores sent right to you, manage your shopping lists, and find out when new products are available. If you are ready to set it, forget it, and then let IFTTT do the rest, here are tools to get you started. Amazon Alexa Are you an Amazon Alexa...

Read the full article: These IFTTT Tricks Can Help You Grab Deals on Anything Online

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2ifw3ep

Plex Pass: What Do You Get for Your Money?

If you have an extensive collection of locally-saved videos and music, Plex is one of the best ways to enjoy the content. It lets you cast that content to any device on your network, helps you manage your files to keep them organized, and even gives you a way to access your media remotely. The basic Plex app is free to use on your computer and streaming devices like Roku and the Nvidia Shield. But the company also offers a paid tier called Plex Pass. Some people reading this won’t need a Plex Pass. We’ve previously explained why you don’t...

Read the full article: Plex Pass: What Do You Get for Your Money?

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5 Unique Android Chatbots That Will Keep You Entertained

Thanks to machine learning and an increasingly connected world, artificial intelligence (AI) is seeing a surge. From the video games you play, to the virtual assistant on your smartphone — and even customer support — AI is making its way into our daily lives. But there’s also a fun side to the phenomenon with chatbots. Chatbots of every type are popping up in apps. You can get yourself a virtual romantic partner. You can talk to a bot about your feelings. You can even have banter with bots that have learned from less virtuous chatters. Here are five of the...

Read the full article: 5 Unique Android Chatbots That Will Keep You Entertained

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2xymQ7E

The Electron Open Framework and Why It’s Awesome for Apps Development

These days, there are many types of desktop devices, along with the many different operating systems that run on them. As such, getting programs that work on all of them can be a bit of a challenge. And that’s where Electron open framework comes in, as a way of helping to solve this problem. What Is Electron? Electron is a software framework for easy cross platform application development. This extends to most desktop operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. It was originally designed for use by Atom, a full-featured cross-platform text editor (hence the name Electron). In other...

Read the full article: The Electron Open Framework and Why It’s Awesome for Apps Development

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2lr2ATQ

How to Pin Websites to Start Menu in Windows 10

We recently showed you how easy it is to pin sites to your Windows 10 Taskbar, but another way to keep your favorite websites just one click away is to pin them to your Start Menu. To pin websites using Edge, just open up the site, click the menu button, and select Pin this page to start. This will create a tile in the Windows 10 Start menu for your website with the site’s favicon. You can remove it by clicking Unpin from Start. You can also resize the tile and toggle Live Tiles on and off, although the Live Tile feature doesn’t...

Read the full article: How to Pin Websites to Start Menu in Windows 10

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2yXOOLs

How to View a List of Every Xbox Game You Own

If you’ve been an Xbox player for a while, you’ve probably amassed quite a library of games. You can keep physical copies of games on your shelf, but what about games you’ve purchased digitally? All those Xbox Live Games with Gold add up, after all. The good news is that Microsoft has updated the Xbox My Games page to include all the games you own digitally on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and even PC (via the Windows Store). To visit it, head to the My Games page and sign in to your account if needed. You’ll see all your games,...

Read the full article: How to View a List of Every Xbox Game You Own

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2iePV1k

Get Paid to Share Your Opinion With This Google App

By now, you know that Google isn’t all about Search and Gmail. There are some lesser-known Google apps out there, and I assume you haven’t heard about all of them. Well here’s one that may interest you: Google Opinion Rewards wants your blunt opinions and will even pay you for them. You won’t become rich overnight (or even in your lifetime), but at least you can spend the credits on things you may like. Earning With Google Opinion Rewards Google Opinion Rewards is a plain and simple survey app. The iOS app is available only in the U.S. for now, but the Android app can...

Read the full article: Get Paid to Share Your Opinion With This Google App

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zXlYuR

How to Right-Click and Middle-Click on Windows With a Touchpad

Whether you insist on using your laptop’s touchpad all the time or you’re just forced to use it occasionally out of necessity, there’s one trick you should absolutely learn: how to right-click and middle-click even when you don’t have those buttons (or if they’re broken). Of course the better alternative would be to use a wireless USB mouse, but sometimes we have to make do with what we have. If you want to enable right- and middle-clicks on your Windows 10 touchpad: Press Win + R, type Control Panel, and press Enter. In the Control Panel, select Mouse. Locate the Device Settings tab*. Highlight...

Read the full article: How to Right-Click and Middle-Click on Windows With a Touchpad

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2gKPWcZ

Saturday 28 October 2017

Yi 4K+ Is Everything You Need in a 4K Action Camera (Review & Giveaway)

Our verdict of the Yi 4K+:The ability to record 4K 60fps at half the price of its GoPro Hero 6 equivalent, the Yi4K+ is great value for money. It's doesn't record telemetry, but the ability to use an external mic is a fantastic addition. 910 We're giving away a Yi 4K+. Keep reading to find out how to win!GoPro has almost become a genericized trademark for “sports actions camera”, but it really shouldn’t be. From Chinese maker Yi Technology comes the Yi 4K+. It’s is a lot cheaper than its GoPro equivalent – the Hero Black 6 – and a...

Read the full article: Yi 4K+ Is Everything You Need in a 4K Action Camera (Review & Giveaway)

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2iGLFf5

5 New Productive Gmail Apps and Extensions You Should Try

With the right apps and extensions, you can be more productive in your Gmail inbox. Discover five new apps and extensions for your favorite email service.

Read the full article: 5 New Productive Gmail Apps and Extensions You Should Try

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2yawBx0

How to Bookmark a Page in a PDF Document in Adobe Reader


Adobe rules the roost when it comes to the Portable Document Format (PDF). Like it or hate it. Even as Adobe Reader puffed up with importance and size, free PDF alternatives have romped into the scene. They brought in new features and some you could only find in the commercial Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, the paid big brother of the still free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. There are still good reasons to use it. A better typography engine, support for 3D content, and the bridge to the Adobe Document Cloud is on top of the list. You have 2 GB of free storage there...

Read the full article: How to Bookmark a Page in a PDF Document in Adobe Reader

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2hguFsw

You Can Now Add Multiple Stops to Your Uber

Uber now lets riders add multiple stops to a single ride. This may be a standard feature of ordinary cab rides, but it has proven to be a long time coming for Uber and other ride-sharing services. Lyft added the option in 2016, and Uber has now finally caught up with its biggest competitor. Love it or hate it, Uber is changing the way many of us get from A to B, especially in big cities. However, Uber is far from perfect, and despite its many advantages over regular taxis, it also has its disadvantages. One of which is the...

Read the full article: You Can Now Add Multiple Stops to Your Uber

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zcWa0w

The Easiest Way to Run Windows Programs on Mac


Mac software is awesome, but there’s no denying that Windows software is widespread. Thus, many Mac users find themselves needing to run Windows-only apps from time to time. Maybe you need to use a specific piece of software that only runs on Windows, or just miss something from your Windows days. Whatever the case, you have options for running Windows programs on your Mac. Here’s an overview of them all, plus our favorite method that will suit most people. 1. Virtual Machines Virtual machines (VMs) allow you to run an operating system (OS) inside a piece of software. The virtual...

Read the full article: The Easiest Way to Run Windows Programs on Mac

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zd8E8v

How Government Propaganda Is Undermining Your Online Security


Events in recent years have led to many comparisons to George Orwell’s literary cornerstone 1984. The dystopian future that Orwell presented was heavily influenced by events in his lifetime, including the rise of Fascism, Communism, the two World Wars, and the beginnings of the Cold War. The novel’s central character is Winston Smith, a government employee whose task is to rewrite books, documents, and other media so that it always maintains the current Party line. Or, in other words, to create political propaganda. Orwell wasn’t writing from a place of pure imagination — propaganda was used heavily by all sides...

Read the full article: How Government Propaganda Is Undermining Your Online Security

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2yU0YFe

Friday 27 October 2017

13 DIY Fixes for Common Computer and Laptop Problems


What’s wrong with your computer? Has your PC stopped booting, or does your laptop crash after an hour or so every single time you switch it on? Perhaps there’s a problem with the power cable, or maybe your mouse isn’t working properly — or worse, you’ve spilt coffee on the keyboard. The default option for most people is to get on the phone and call a PC repair shop. Or to contact the vendor for some expensive support. But in the vast majority of cases, you don’t need to rely on these services. Just make sure you know what you’re...

Read the full article: 13 DIY Fixes for Common Computer and Laptop Problems

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zK1JzD

These Are The 10 Best Deals On Amazon Right Now

We’ve spent all morning combing through the deals on Amazon, and now we’re here to bring you the best of the best! Elechomes CHS2001 8 in 1 Commercial Blender High-Speed Blender - Elechomes CHS2001 8 in 1 Commercial Blender, 30000R/Min Rotation Speed & 3 Horsepowers Powerful High-speed Motor with Food-grade Double-layer Measuring Cup, Metallic Silver High-Speed Blender - Elechomes CHS2001 8 in 1 Commercial Blender, 30000R/Min Rotation Speed & 3 Horsepowers Powerful High-speed Motor with Food-grade Double-layer Measuring Cup, Metallic Silver 【30000 RPM RELEASE NUTRITION COMPLETELY】: Top speed of 274mph (30000 RPM) can reduce the probability of oxidation of trace...

Read the full article: These Are The 10 Best Deals On Amazon Right Now

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zcUxQu

Plan the Perfect Thanksgiving This Year With These Guides


Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for spending time with loved ones, giving thanks, and of course, gobbling up a delicious dinner! From start to finish, this list of sites and sources can help you make this Thanksgiving unforgettable. Whether you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the first time or are just looking to change things up this year, get ready to bookmark these helpful websites and useful videos. How to Plan for Thanksgiving Day If you have never made or hosted a Thanksgiving dinner before, you may feel as nervous as you do excited. So, for a little help with...

Read the full article: Plan the Perfect Thanksgiving This Year With These Guides

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zbJx5M

Stop Doing Repetitive Tasks! Here’s How to Automate Them on Windows


One of the worst parts of using a computer is just how mindlessly repetitive it can be: searching hundreds of folders for that one file, or typing the same bit of text day after day, or cleaning up and organizing a thousand different files… We can end up wasting a LOT of hours this way. Fortunately, we aren’t alone! Others have suffered just as much as us, if not more, and some have even taken great lengths to create tools that ease these pains — then released them for free. By adding a few of these utilities to your arsenal,...

Read the full article: Stop Doing Repetitive Tasks! Here’s How to Automate Them on Windows

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2yXGNYL

You Can Now Delete Sent Messages on WhatsApp

WhatsApp will now let you delete sent messages. You could previously delete individual messages, but only from your point of view. Now, you can essentially unsend messages, hiding them from view from everyone in the conversation. Which could prove to be useful in countless situations. We’ve all been there. Whether out of anger, upset, or drunkenness, there are times when you send something to someone without thinking. You may regret it instantly, or it may not be until hours, days, or even weeks later that you realize you made a mistake. Luckily, WhatsApp has your back. How to Delete Sent...

Read the full article: You Can Now Delete Sent Messages on WhatsApp

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2gHLmw6

Default Apps and User Accounts: 7 Features Still Missing From iOS


Apple’s recent iOS 11 update made some dramatic changes to the user interface, but there are still some significant features missing from the operating system. Whether you primarily use an iPhone or an iPad, you’re bound to have noticed a few of these. Some of them might even be pet peeves that hold you back on a daily basis. They are all things that Apple should add to a future update. 1. Default Apps: The Pipe Dream If there’s one area that iOS has improved over the years, it’s sharing. You can now use the share sheet to email a...

Read the full article: Default Apps and User Accounts: 7 Features Still Missing From iOS

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2xsyIIi

Personalize Your Amazon Echo for Multiple User Profiles


It’s hard to believe, but the first Amazon Echo device hit the market less than three years ago. The voice-controllable personal assistant powering the experience, Alexa, continues to learn and gain more and more features. Currently, there are more than 20,000 different skills users can take advantage of — everything from the incredibly useful to the not-so-smart. And as the Echo lineup continues to become more powerful and popular, many users find that more than one person in their household wants to take full advantage of all the different services and skills. Echo Dot (2nd Generation) - Black Echo Dot...

Read the full article: Personalize Your Amazon Echo for Multiple User Profiles

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zIKUVP

5 Unique Apps Every Android TV User Needs to Install Today


As Android TV continues its never-ending march into our living rooms, users are increasingly looking for cool apps that aren’t available on the smartphone version of the operating system. Or at least, apps that are far more useful on the big screen than on a tiny mobile screen. The list of Android TV apps is growing every day. Most of the big hitters (e.g. Facebook, Spotify, Netflix, etc.) are already available. But what other apps are out there? Which non-mainstream apps should every Android TV owner put on their device? Luckily, we have the answers. Here are five unique apps...

Read the full article: 5 Unique Apps Every Android TV User Needs to Install Today

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2iH1673

Why iPhone and Smartphone Cameras Still Lag Behind DSLRs


It’s the same thing every year. Apple, Google, and Samsung launch their flagship phones, and people go wild over the cameras. Soon enough, we hear someone saying the death of the DSLR camera is near. But are these smartphones really catching up to DSLRs? What makes a DSLR better? It takes only one look at a comparison in output to know that phones aren’t yet good enough. And it makes sense once you find out what are the important specs in any digital camera. Sensor Size Does Matter The biggest difference between a DSLR camera and a smartphone is the...

Read the full article: Why iPhone and Smartphone Cameras Still Lag Behind DSLRs

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2yWR0F1

Improve Web Security by Using Chrome’s Auto-Generated Passwords

Despite recently discovered Wi-Fi vulnerabilities like KRACK, the odds of your password being compromised in real-time by a hacker are incredibly small. Almost all password hacks come through two sources: brute force attacks (whereby an attack hits your account with tens of thousands of password combinations in the hope one works), and database hacks (when a company’s database of user data is breached). Either way, unique passwords makes you more secure. A strong password like gW$4*9Ps£7! is much harder for a brute force attack to break than ILoveMyDog123, and using a series of unique passwords means all your other accounts will...

Read the full article: Improve Web Security by Using Chrome’s Auto-Generated Passwords

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2y94A98

How to Control Chromecast From a Phone With Google Assistant


Google Assistant is great. Whereas cutting-edge folks can use a Google Home to control a Chromecast with voice commands, the rest of us only need an Android phone running Google Assistant to achieve the same thing. Android Police recently discovered that all you have to do is pull up Google Assistant on your phone and use a voice command to watch TV or play music. For example, say “Play Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by the Beatles“ or “Play MakeUseOf videos.” If you have only one Chromecast-enabled device, that’s all you have to say. If you have multiple Chromecast-enabled devices, you can specify where you want the song or video...

Read the full article: How to Control Chromecast From a Phone With Google Assistant

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2zSbcG2

The Easy Way to Show Hidden Files and Folders in Windows 10, 8.1, and 7

As you might know, your computer contains a lot of files and folders that it doesn’t show you by default. Some of these are protected system files that would cause problems if you deleted them, while others are hidden simply so they don’t clutter your file browsing. You can always type out the full path of a file to visit it, but this is clunky if you navigate around a lot. Next time you need to access a hidden folder in Windows, all you need to do is flip a setting in Windows Explorer. Just follow these steps for Windows...

Read the full article: The Easy Way to Show Hidden Files and Folders in Windows 10, 8.1, and 7

from MakeUseOf http://ift.tt/2lm2EE3