Monday, 29 February 2016

Why You’ll Never Stop Seeing Ads & IAPs in Mobile Apps


Software doesn’t take up physical space, so it should be free. After all, it isn’t real. It isn’t tangible. It doesn’t exist in a material sense, therefore it doesn’t cost anything to make and produce. Right? Okay, not everyone actually thinks like this, but listen to the complaints that users tend to have about mobile software and you’ll start to see a pattern: they want everything to be perfect, everything to be available right now, and everything to be free. But software takes time, energy, and expertise to develop and maintain — and developers deserve to be compensated for that, especially if...

Read the full article: Why You’ll Never Stop Seeing Ads & IAPs in Mobile Apps

from MakeUseOf

The Raspberry Pi 3: Faster, Better, with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth


The Raspberry Pi is going places, and I’m not just talking about outer space. Today, the Raspberry Pi foundation announced the release of the Raspberry Pi 3. It’s the most significant update to the popular line of low-cost computers yet. Released just one year after the launch of the Raspberry Pi 2, it contains things that should have been included from the start, but weren’t, like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Performance has also seen a significant bump. The Raspberry Pi 3 does this while keeping its bargain-basement price of $35. Here’s what you need to know about it. Performance The Raspberry...

Read the full article: The Raspberry Pi 3: Faster, Better, with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

from MakeUseOf

11 Essential Trello Integrations That Make Your Job Easier


Trello’s good. No doubt about that. You can make it even better by adding some useful tools and integrations to the mix. The web-based project management tool and visual collaboration tool was designed to be flexible, and these third-party tools create the hooks to simplify your productivity. Each of these one of a kind apps solve your everyday problems or that of your team. Let’s explore 10 options that you can begin with and see how they can make your workflow easier. 1. PomoDone [Windows, OS X]: To Add a Pomodoro Timer to Trello Wouldn’t it be great if you could use a Pomodoro timer to...

Read the full article: 11 Essential Trello Integrations That Make Your Job Easier

from MakeUseOf

Is Twitter’s Trust & Safety Council a Front for Censorship?


Early in February, Twitter announced the formation of a Trust & Safety Council, and the move has caused a good deal of controversy, with some online commentators going so far as to wonder if the council is a portent of forthcoming censorship of “non-approved” views. Online censorship is a perennially debated topic, and the creation of the Council is sure to add fuel to the fire. What Is the Trust & Safety Council? According to Twitter’s announcement, the Council is “a new and foundational part of our strategy to ensure that people feel safe expressing themselves on Twitter.” This language...

Read the full article: Is Twitter’s Trust & Safety Council a Front for Censorship?

from MakeUseOf

10 Top Browser Tools To Translate Web Pages


According to the latest figures from W3Techs, 53.7 percent of all content on the Internet is written in English. That’s lightyears ahead of the rest of the top five (6.3 percent Russian, 5.7 percent German, 5.0 percent Japanese, and 4.9 percent Spanish) – but it still means that almost half of all the Internet is inaccessible unless you’re fluent in multiple languages. There are any number of reasons you might want to read content in another language, from understanding local news stories to researching places to visit while on vacation. So what are the best tools for translating web pages?...

Read the full article: 10 Top Browser Tools To Translate Web Pages

from MakeUseOf

Make the Most of Your Body Language for Powerful Benefits


Body language is a common but powerful tool used by leaders. They use its “secrets” to leverage positions of power and make themselves appear bigger, more confident and smarter than the rest of us. For most of us, this is just the opposite. We lack the focus to understand the story our body — or someone else’s body — is telling. Most of us are painfully aware of how we look and the things we say. Few of us have any understanding of how we’re being perceived by others. Let’s try to change that with a crash course in the science of...

Read the full article: Make the Most of Your Body Language for Powerful Benefits

from MakeUseOf

Learn to Be Project Management Certified for $36


You can learn to be a certified project manager for 93% off for a limited time! That’s right, for just $35.99 you can get access to two courses that will prepare you to earn the valuable PMP and CompTIA Project+ certifications. Buy: Project Management Certified Professional Bundle CompTIA Project+ Certification The first course in this bundle will teach you how to master the entire project life cycle, from the inception and planning phase, to closing the project out. Being a project manager isn’t just making sure your team gets a project done, but it’s also about making sure it gets done...

Read the full article: Learn to Be Project Management Certified for $36

from MakeUseOf

The Firefox-Lover’s Guide to the Microsoft Edge Browser


Last year was a fundamentally transformative year for Microsoft. It saw the launch of Windows 10, which is now installed on well over 110 million computers, and is regarded by many to be the best Windows ever. Less talked about is the launch of Edge, which replaced Internet Explorer around the same time, and now occupies around 3% of the browser market. Although it’s got its share of fans, adoption has been slow, perhaps due to it being the ancestor of one of the most maligned web browsers of all time. Putting prejudice aside, is Edge any good? I decided...

Read the full article: The Firefox-Lover’s Guide to the Microsoft Edge Browser

from MakeUseOf

13 Practical Tips to Get More Done, One Thing at a Time


The classic Latin writer Publilius Syrus once said, “To do two things at once is to do neither.” He just may have been right. As skilled as you think you are at multitasking, research shows it can actually hurt your brain. Stanford scientists put their students through a series of tests, and the self-described “heavy media multitaskers” performed poorly when it came to a few simple visual tasks. The low multitaskers won this game — and the researchers concluded so-called multitaskers are “suckers for irrelevancy.” Recent research of driving habits has shown people’s brains typically shift focus in a 10th...

Read the full article: 13 Practical Tips to Get More Done, One Thing at a Time

from MakeUseOf

How to Prevent Ads Showing on the Windows 10 Lock Screen


Some people have been logging into Windows 10 only to find that Microsoft is now pushing advertisements through the lock screen. Is this happening to you? Rest assured that you aren’t the only one, and there is a way to disable this nonsense. All you have to do is disable the Windows Spotlight feature. Open the Start Menu, type in lock, and select the Lock Screen Settings option. This is the quick way to navigate where you need to be instead of trudging through System Settings and dozens of mouse clicks. In the Lock Screen Settings window, look for the setting labelled Background. Change it from Windows...

Read the full article: How to Prevent Ads Showing on the Windows 10 Lock Screen

from MakeUseOf